
...things that i have enjoyed listening to enough to put on this website:


muted colors by Ben Sloan
this isn't out yet but i have a feeling it is gonna be very good. pal chris brought it to my attention to it, which i am very thankful for

Saccades by Rian Treanor & Ocen James
kinetic, bouncy, and human. makes me excited about collaboration.

Only by Morton Feldman (sang by Joan La Barbara)
My friend Anat showed me this recently. it is beautiful for a lot of reasons, but i am most struck by how it feels literally *perfect* for La Barbara's voice, almost as if it had existed within her for centuries.

Solo e pensoso by Luca Marenzio
those first few notes are nutso! super fun harmony. I liked this a lot before I read the lyrics and like it even more now having done so.

Tumbling Towards a Wall by Ulla
toivo shared this on the internet somewhere. very subtle but i find myself always finding something new in it with each new listenings.

I get along without you very well by Ellen Arkbro & Johan Graden

AXIS by Church Andrews & Matt Davies.
they do some very clever trigger > synthesis/sample stuff on all of their stuff – such a simple idea that hasn't been as explored as much i'd expect. u know what that means :P.
NEIGHBOURS by them is also very good